Customize FAB placement with X and Y offsets There are 2 CSS custom properties available for use to further customize the placement of floating action buttons. Important Notes: --c-bolt-floating-action-buttons-offset-x: the distance between the FAB and the right side of the screen. --c-bolt-floating-action-buttons-offset-y: the distance between the FAB and the bottom of the screen. The value can use any CSS unit (px, rem, em, vw, vh, etc.). Demo View full page demo
{% include '@bolt-components-floating-action-buttons/floating-action-buttons.twig' with {
  content: _content,
  attributes: {
    style: '--c-bolt-floating-action-buttons-offset-x: 5vw; --c-bolt-floating-action-buttons-offset-y: 5vh;'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.